Prime Home Business

Cookie policy

After entering, owned by Prime Home Business GmbH, you give your consent to using cookies in accordance with this Cookie files policy. If you do not accept BGK’s cookies, change settings of your browser properly or leave this page. 

You can specify conditions of applying such files by yourself and deactivate them at any time by means of settings of a web browser. 

To manage cookies easily, choose one of the following browsers and follow the instructions:

What are “cookies”? 

Cookies are small files recorded and stored in your computer, tablet or smartphone when you visit different websites. A cookie usually contains a name of website where its “lifespan” comes from (i.e. its lifetime) and a unique number, generated at random, for identification of the browser linked with the website. 

What are “cookies” used for?

Cookies are used for adapting functions of a website to your expectations and for correct use of forms available on the website e.g. browser, exchange rates etc. 

What “cookies” are used by 

Prime Home Business GmbH applies only session (temporary) cookie files. 

How long is data stored in session “cookies”? 

Session files are stored in a device until you log out of a website or close a browser. 

We inform you that restrictions of the use of cookies may influence some functions of